Science News

Open Night
Open Night was a great occasion to showcase student learning and some of the amazing experiments students have the opportunity of completing through Science at Glen Eira College. From “slime making” to “hair mousse trail” to “invisible ink” and “elephant’s toothpaste” just to name a few. The two science rooms set up were buzzing with excitement and displayed the engaging learning environment we offer students! All of this would not have been possible without all of the student support and enthusiasm on the night. Thank you to all of the students who volunteered to support Science on the night.
Year 8 Science
Our Year 8 students have been investigating the properties of cells and their role in living things. They have learnt to use microscopes to explore different types of cells and the structures found within. As part of their assessment on this topic, students needed to source a range of materials and create a 3D Cell Model. Well done to all students on their efforts to put together such creative models.
Haroula Loucaides
Head of Science