From the Assistant Principals

We are very proud of our students and this is reflected in the way they present themselves to the community. We appreciate your support in reminding students that the only jewellery to be visible is a watch and no more than two pairs of studs or sleepers (plain gold or silver). The only over garments to be worn at school are the Glen Eira College approved jacket and / or jumper.
The exam period begins on the 11th June for senior school students, starting with Year 10 SWOT Vac on Tuesday 11th June, the GAT on Wednesday 12th June for those doing a Unit 3 and 4 subject and Year 11 SWOT Vac on Friday 14th June. It is vital your child has a quiet place to study. Some study skills they may use include;
- Summarising notes taken in class and then summarising the notes
- Making concept maps or mind maps of the material they have covered
- Using post it notes to write key words or summaries and pin them around their bedroom
Progress reports can be found on the Xuno parent portal under 'Learning' - 'Progress Reports'. These reports come out every 6 weeks. Year 12 Progress Reports are made available every 3 weeks.
Assessment Task grades are updated throughout the semester as subjects complete assessments. These are updated every 6 weeks also. These assessment tasks can be found on the Xuno portal under 'Learning' - 'Reports'. At the end of the semester these reports also include the Victorian Curriculum achievement levels.
If you do not have a login to the Xuno portal please contact the General Office.
This week students will be participating in the Students Attitudes to Schools Survey run by DET. This provides us with valuable information about how we can keep improving to meet the educational needs of your children.
You play such an important role in the education of our students. We really value the support and guidance you provide to our students. The Glen Eira 5 articulates our vision and philosophy at the college. This is a commitment made by parents, students and teachers. The following are the 5 commitments from our parents;
- Involvement and contributions to the broader education program
- Playing an active role in your child’s learning
- Supporting your children in achieving their learning goals
- Promoting the school values
- Maintaining open lines of communication with the school
To see the commitments from staff and students have a look in the school planner or check out our website.
We are always seeking to improve our communication processes. Please see below our communication tree. I am always pleased to hear from parents how we might improve.
Nick Hamer-Smith
Assistant Principal
House Athletics
Our annual house athletics carnival was held in glorious sunshine last Wednesday. As a school of over 800 students, this is one of the few opportunities we have to come together as a whole community. It was fabulous to see students running, jumping and throwing with such a wonderful attitude.
Our college values were evident as our enthusiastic and motivated students worked hard to earn house points. Our staff worked very hard all day to ensure that students could seize opportunities to participate and I noticed how respectful our competitors were throughout the day.
Students who won their events at the house event will now proceed to the Beachside Division Athletics Competition. This event is held late in term 3 and students will be notified closer to the date of the details.
I would like to acknowledge the hard work of Peter Bales and Marybeth Atkinson without whom this event could not have happened. They spent many hours putting together the program, logistics and equipment needed for the day and their efforts meant the day was an enormous success.
Be on time – learning begins at 9!
Daily attendance is important for all young people to succeed in education and to ensure they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. Minimum 95% attendance is expected from all students in all year levels. School participation maximises life opportunities for young people by providing them with education and support networks. School helps people to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community.
Parents are required to contact the school absence line on 9571 4178 on any day a student is late or absent. Alternatively, write a note or email the school at the following address:
Uniform at interschool sport
Our students have represented the college with pride and distinction at recent sporting competitions.
For most competitions, students who have signed up to compete in sport are required to meet at the flagpoles at 9:00am and are expected to return to school by 3:07pm.
On these days, full and correct PE uniform should be worn to and from school; students should not be in casual clothes. The college PE uniform includes:
- GEC polo shirt
- Black shorts
- Black tracksuit pants
- GEC black jacket
Students may also bring their personal sport-specific equipment if they would like to use it.
I ask for your assistance in ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform at all times. A uniform dress code reinforces a pride in your own appearance and in your school.
We are proud of our college and the reputation that we have built over many years in the community. In order that our school continues to be held in high esteem we ask that you support the College by ensuring that you have the correct college uniform and that it is maintained in good condition and worn each day of the school week.
We are always able to support families with items of uniform. Please contact the wellbeing team for assistance.
Level Crossing Safety
Following concerning reports from staff at Glenhuntly Train Station, all students are reminded about the importance of acting in a safe and responsible manner at level crossings. In conjunction with staff from the station, we are reviewing CCTV footage to identify students who have not been meeting college expectations whilst travelling to and from school.
As a pedestrian you must not cross the train tracks if:
- warning lights are flashing
- warning bells are ringing
- a gate, boom or barrier is closing
- a train is approaching or entering the crossing.
These laws are set out for the safety of all members of our community and failure to follow them can result in hefty fines.
Aaron Petersen
Assistant Principal