From the Principal

Our students have been involved in a wide range of programs already this term including the Athletics Carnival, interschool sports, incursions for Reconciliation Week, Safety Online incursion presented by Susan McLean, a range of excursions, lunchtime activities and more. You will read about many of these throughout the newsletter.
Rehearsals are well underway for this year’s production, The Wizard of Oz. Over 100 students are involved on stage and back stage / off stage, ensuring there is a role for everyone who wants to take part. Make sure you save the dates – performances are on the 30th and 31st July and 1st August.
Last night we held our Semester 1 Instrumental Music Concert which was a wonderful showcase of our talented students.
Intervention Programs
The Gonski funding model introduced three years ago provided schools with equity funding. Our Literacy support teacher, Cristina Presa, does a wonderful job in supporting students in the classroom and providing professional development to staff to better support students in the classroom.
The outcomes for the past three years of the intervention program have been very positive with students showing growth over the year, along with an increase in their confidence and self-esteem.
This year there are two new positions funded by the Department which commenced this term. Firstly we have Jennifer Lovell who is a Literacy intervention teacher supporting students in Year 10. Jennifer works across 4 schools – GEC, Bentleigh SC, Brighton SC and Albert Park College. We also have funding for half a day per week to support Year 10 students with Numeracy. Arivu Kumaran has taken on this role as part of her allotment.
Our students Years 7 – 12 have all participated in the Annual Attitudes to School Survey. This is administered by DET and covers the areas of Wellbeing, Teaching and Learning and Student Relationships. Students completed the survey on line.
Your feedback is always welcome. It is always great to hear your positive comments and I appreciate receiving this feedback and sharing it with staff and students. I also greatly value your suggestions and ideas for improvements and for raising any concerns that you have. It is important to us that we work together to ensure the best outcomes and opportunities for our students. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with me via telephone, a meeting or emailing.
Sheereen Kindler