Glen Eira Parents Association meeting Saturday 15 June 11am Workshop Café
1146 Glenhuntly Road, Glenhuntly, just west of the station.
Come along and help us plan a movie night, and other activities - all GEC parents and guardians welcome – a great chance to meet some school families and help the school. Our meetings are friendly and informal, and your level of involvement is up to you. If you are interested in being involved, want to come to any of our meetings or are not already receiving our emails, please send an email to Volunteers welcome even in a small way.
We welcome Jelena (7E mum) our new co-convenor with Eliza.
Supper at GEC Musical Production - Tuesday 30th July, Wednesday 31st July and Thursday 1st August
Can you bring along some small cakes, biscuits etc. to sell for a gold coin supper for the audience at intermission? Helpers are also needed to set up/clean up. Can you come one night?
“Democracy sausage” sizzle
Our “Democracy sausage” sizzle and cake and craft stall on election day was popular, welcoming visitors and raising funds for the school. Thanks to all the helpers, bakers, bbqers – and a fine sunny day!
Second Hand Uniforms
If you are needing winter school uniform items, the General Office has some for sale. GECPA is considering another second hand uniform stall as the summer one in 42 degrees was too hot to try on winter gear! We will let you know the date - hoping to line up with another suitable school event - tbc.
Entertainment Book
The fundraising Entertainment book is available at the school office or digital memberships.
Please help our fundraising efforts by buying an Entertainment Membership from us. You'll receive hundreds of valuable offers for everything you love to do - helping our fundraising at the same time!
With the newer Digital Membership (having a copy on your phone), you'll use it even more – especially with the brilliant ‘Near Me’ feature. You simply hit the 'Near Me' tab to see what deals are around you anywhere, anytime! AND you can download it onto your child/s phones for them to take advantage of the offers too! Many families save from $550 - $1000+ per year with their membership. It really is brilliant value for just $70.
Weekly walk and talk
We have a social walking group which meets once a week to walk and chat for an hour. We meet on Tuesday evenings (weather permitting) at 7:45pm at the corner of Crosbie and Murrumbeena Roads at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve. So that we can keep in contact, we have set up a messaging group on Whatsapp. To join the group, just email us your name and phone number. (If you don't already have Whatsapp installed on your smartphone, you will need to do that first -it's very easy to install and to use).
Winter Teen school holiday program – City of Glen Eira
The very popular Teen School Holiday Program will run again during the Winter holidays. Activities are open to young people aged 12 to 18 years, who live, work or study in Glen Eira.
Activities include Ice-skating, Movies, Garden Workshop, Melbourne Museum, Gym Guru, Rock Climbing, Bowling and Gaming!
Bookings open 9AM - Tuesday 11 June 2019 and close 5PM - Friday 21 June 2019 or until sold out.
Places are limited and will fill up fast!
For full list of activities and booking links, visit their website.
#YouthVoice explores climate change
This term in #YouthVoice, we are exploring a new topic — climate change. Recently, there have been many protests regarding the #stopadani movement and climate change. #YouthVoice has decided to dissect the topic and explore why this is such an important issue for young people. We will be interviewing experts, the public and gaining first-hand accounts and footage of the protests. Throughout this process, we hope to educate and inspire people of Glen Eira. Stay tuned to Glen Eira Youth Service on Youtube to keep up to date.
- The #YouthVoice Crew
Glen Eira Storytelling Festival June 21- July 7
The 2019 Glen Eira Storytelling Festival continues to embrace storytelling in all its forms for all ages and interests.
Glen Huntly and Caulfield Station/Racecourse GEC area Planning
Glen Eira Council is planning for Caulfield Station and Glen Huntly activity centres including Glen Eira College, Monash University’s Caulfield campus, Caulfield Racecourse, Derby Road and Glen Huntly Road shops and parks. This planning will assist with the rail level crossing removals and future improvements in our school neighbourhood.
Council is inviting ideas and community feedback until Sunday 9 June 2019 via an online survey at
or by contacting Council’s City Futures Department 9524 3421 or email
Cathy McNaughton