Around the College

Year 9 Program: Integrating literacy with preparation for Model United Nations Conference
Year 9 students are preparing for the upcoming Year 9 Program’s Model United Nations Conference. The Conference will have 23 country delegates that will discuss Asylum Seekers and Refugees: A Global Humanitarian Crisis on 12th and 13th June in the library. To prepare for the Conference, students completed a SEE, THINK, WONDER Thinking Routine after collaboratively reading a range of picture books and novels from our Library. Students discussed different representations of people seeking asylum that were presented globally for young minds. After working in teams, students constructed a range of questions for the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre from Footscray. The information session presented a deep understanding of the fear that people encounter when they seek refuge, the travels people must endure and the dangers of finding asylum. Many personal insights were gained as people’s stories were shared with students and questions answered on a personal level.
Next week, the Human Rights Commission will visit the students before they begin researching their nominated countries. Watch this space to see the success of our first Model United Nations Conference in the Library.
Deborah Cordingley
English/Humanities Teacher
Active April
Thank you to everyone who participated in the inaugural Glen Eira College Active April team. We had great numbers at running club, morning fitness, yoga and at the street basketball tournament. RUN-GEC had 87 members who accumulated 1,800 hours of activity in April. This on average meant our team members participated in 20 hours across April achieving the goal of 30 minutes of activity a day.
A huge congratulations to Tommy Huberts who achieved 92 hours, averaging 3 hours of activity a day in April.
Can’t wait for next year!
Sasha Byrnes
Head of Health & PE
Year 7B and 7C send their respects to the ANZAC speakers
After a wonderful and respectful service to our ANZACs, Years 7B and 7C decided to thank Philip Spence and Col Jason Cooke for attending and speaking at Glen Eira College. Below is range of comments from both classes that were sent to the speakers along with a heartfelt card so that they will remember us too.
"Beautiful. That is the word that would fit the whole episode of the ceremony. The cadets walking strongly, gracefully but ever so powerfully. When you look around, the students had frozen, with respect in their eyes, impressed and shocked by the new knowledge we are learning. Though it was obvious to see that the whole school was amazed by the new and marvellous and inspiring ideas of the speeches. The powerful speeches that reigned on us. All of us students later mentioned how much we were amazed by how respectful the officials were when they gave the flowers to the dead."
George McQuire 7B
"I was amazed by the numbers of badges that the speakers were awarded. The students marched very neatly and respectfully. Their speeches seemed very thought out. I loved how you talked about when you where in this school and that you where in the football and cricket team."
Margaux Gaultier 7C
"I’ enjoyed the respectful minute of silence, where we were able to absorb the speeches we had just listened to, and commemorate the ANZAC soldiers. It was heartfelt, and perfect."
Harshitha Meenakshisundaram 7B
"I was touched to listen about why we should never forget about the brave soldiers that fought in the war to defend our country. I really enjoyed the speech and how he mentioned so many great things about G.E.C."
Ariana Mijares Mendez 7C
"Carrying the wreaths through the students demonstrated respect to not only our school, but to us, the students."
Eve Gascoigne 7B
"I was impressed by how neat and professional you looked, it reflected the immense responsibility of the military and police force. I was interested in your description of P.T.S.D. for I had never thought of it as anything but survivors guilt, I now have a deeper understanding of the condition. I was very fascinated by the origins of ‘Lest We Forget’, I think it shows the influence of poetry and how it carries strong messages and conveys emotion."
Leilani Tan 7B
"I was impressed and inspired by your speech and I also really appreciated the time and effort you put to make it entertaining for all of us teenagers. I think from everyone's perspective the speeches were great and what really inspired me was when you told us that you use to go to this school which now makes me want to come back in the future and tell all of my great adventures too."
Alma-Mia Marrett 7C
Deborah Cordingley
English/Humanities Teacher
SEAL Program: Xavier’s Poetry Unit is a success for Y7B poets
A new initiative for the Year 7B SEAL program includes a past SEAL student teaching Aesthetic Poetry and Block-out Poetry to reveal a love of words. Xavier Gerrard (Year 10) is currently taking over the Year 7B English classroom and the students are enjoying the experience and experiencing a steep learning curve. Xavier has developed an exciting unit to develop students’ Writing Folio. Incorporating IT, song lyrics, images, colour, in addition to a personal reflection, students are creating Aesthetic Poetry based on their favourite songs. Students have been taught how to overlay the three artistic features and reflect on how meaning has been constructed including linking the poetry to a personal and heartfelt reflection. Xavier’s natural teaching skills and love of language emanates in the classroom as Year 7B students improve their creativity and communication through the power of words and images. The poems will form part of a Pop Up Poetry exhibition.
Deborah Cordingley
English/Humanities Teacher