The Green Team

Alex Baxter & Elise Hawkins
Sustainability Team
Nude Food
We encourage our students to bring Nude Food every day but our official day of food with no wrappers is Tuesday. Over the weekend I found an amazing Instagram account called @schoollunchbox. It is run by a father who posts photos of all the delicious, fresh and healthy, beautifully presented, NUDE lunches he creates for his two little girls.
They are a great source of inspiration and provide some easy ideas to make the switch to waste free lunches. If you create a waste free lunch for your child (or with them) please send through a photo to so that we can share it in the next newsletter to inspire others.
Don't forget to tag us in your own Instagram photos @kingswoodps and use the hashtag #kingswoodpsnudelunches . Let's start a trend!
New Bins at Kingswood
We've BIN waiting for this moment!
You might have noticed that we have replaced all the indoor bins at Kingswood with a new colour coded bin system. We now have consistency across the whole school and all the bins are clearly labelled with what can and cannot be put in them. We did this to make it easier for our students and staff to sort their rubbish into the right bin and to reduce the amount of waste our school is contributing to landfill.
Thank you to the Green Team who helped us to build the bins because the bins arrived flat and had to be folded together and sorted for each class. The Green Team also helped collect all the old bins from the school to give to Alba who will be using them in the garden for storing mulch, soil and planting.
Here is a brief description of what can go in each of our new bins:
Yellow co-mingled recycling bins- paper, cardboard, rigid plastic (milk bottles, plastic water bottles etc.), cans, glass jars/bottles.
White soft plastics bins- anything made of plastic which doesn't hold its shape when it's scrunched e.g. plastic bags, cling wrap, snap lock bags, food packets, wrappers (a silver lining is OK), bubble wrap, squeezable yogurt pouches with the lid on
Black compost bins- all food scraps but not citrus fruits.
Red landfill bins- anything that can't go into one of the other bins such as tissues, paper towel, laminated paper etc. We are trying to reduce the amount of rubbish going into this bin
Have a look at the video that 1M made last year about what can go in each bin (please note that the bins look different in the video because it was taken last year. What you can put in each bin is still the same).
Earth Hour
On Friday 23rd March, our school showed its support for Schools Earth Hour by switching all the classroom lights off for 60+ minutes. Earth hour is an amazing global conservation movement that hopes to make a change to the current critical condition of our home and our planet. Being aware means that we can all take actions to protect our biodiversity and nature, which means we can live more sustainably.