HOM Awards

Habits of Mind Prep - Year 2
Michael Prep A, Gisela prep B, Aeuri Prep C, Zach Prep H, Keisha 1H, Jono 1M, Lochy 1S, Lachlan 2D, Olive 2F, Frankie 2P & Joel 2S
Habits of Mind Year 3-6
Cooper 3D, Amalie 3E, Nick 3K, Ayla 3S, Josh 3T, 4H whole class, Ben 4M, Jimmy 4N, Liliana 5C, Scarlet 5D, Cooper 5R, Monica 5S, Kevin 6B & Ben 6W
Physical Education Prep H, Performing Arts 2F, Visual Arts 4H
Engineering 6S, Coding 6S, Japanese 3K, Science 6B & SAKG 3K
Kindness Card Award
Maddy 3D
Habits of Mind Prep - Year 2
Ivy Prep A , Ava Prep B, Mitchell Prep C, Logan Prep H, Neil 1H, Olinda 1M, Jonathan 1S, Nathan 2D, Amy 2F, James 2P & Amber 2S
Habits of Mind Year 3-6
Maddy 3D, Venara 3E, Carla 3K, Georgie 3S, Tiffany 3T, Jamie 4H, Levi 4N, Sonny 5C, Lily 5D, Tristan 5R, Luke 5S, Billy 6B, Bella 6S & Jacinda 6W
Performing Arts Prep A, Coding 5D, Japanese Prep H, Science Damian 6S & SAKG 4H
Kindness Card Award
Jannessa 4M