
Slavery Free Easter -  what Easter eggs will you enjoy this Easter? 

Pope Francis said that, faced with the tragic reality of modern slavery, “no one can wash their hands of it, without being in some way, an accomplice to this crime against humanity”. 


Thinking of buying Easter eggs? Use your money justly – please.


 What Easter eggs will you enjoy this Easter? 


There is now a wide range of slavery-free chocolate and Easter eggs available, including a budget-priced range of UTZ certified products in ALDI, and a wide selection at Haighs.


Good news: Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand has a comprehensive list of slavery-free certified chocolates. Find it at:

Action: Tell three people about the importance of buying only slavery-free chocolate this Easter and beyond. 

Try some and tell them how good it tastes. Join this global fight against modern slavery. for information and resources.

Janeen Murphy

Director - Faith & Mission

Remote learning tips for students 

  1. Workspace. Find a comfortable workspace that is conducive to learning.
  2. SEQTA. Log in to SEQTA, access your Course Work and follow teacher instructions.
  3. Your normal routine. Work independently following your usual school timetable where possible. Try to focus and limit distractions.
  4. Stay connected. Access your Year Group Team each morning to check for notices.
  5. Ask Questions. Course Coordinators and teachers will monitor TEAMS to answer questions and support students. Ask questions if you don’t understand something, ask a teacher, a classmate or a parent.
  6. Use classroom language. Talking with your teachers in class is different from how you speak to your friends online. Remember to use appropriate language and avoid excessive emojis.
  7. IT Support. If technical help is needed, put your year group in the subject line of an email and send the email with a description of your problem to:
  8. Take breaks. Remember to take regular breaks away from your device. Move around and try not to sit all day.
  9. Positive online behaviour & academic honesty. Live by our College values online. Think about how you can demonstrate positive behaviour online and avoid situations where your words or actions might be misunderstood or interpreted in a hurtful way by others.
  10. Feeling worried? If you are feeling worried about school or our current situation, please reach out to your teacher, Assistant Deputy Principal or the counsellor. We are here to help!

Refer to full details on accessing your Remote Learning in the Student Guidelines in SEQTA Learn 'Documents'.


Parents can access the Parent Guidelines in SEQTA Engage 'Documents'