Science / STEAMM 

Discovering the world around us.

Science Concepts:

2021 is coming to a close however our Scientists have still been making the most of their educational journey learning about the basic concepts of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science to better understand the world around them.

Learning Year Seven to Ten:

  • Our year seven scientists have been separating mixtures
  • Our year eight scientists have been examining types of rocks and rock formations
  • Our year nine scientists have been observing the main types of chemical reactions
  • Our year ten scientists have been examining the bio-geographical cycles of our home, Earth. 

Celebrating Student Success in Science and STEAMM

Gala can now be seen "live stream" on youtube using the following link It has been a fantastic way to showcase our students projects in STEAMM. There will be spaghetti bridges, marble runs, skill testers and bottle rockets as well as demonstrations with our 3D printer 


Have a fantastic summer holiday and we look forward to seeing all our students and families back in 2022



Kate Peach

Science / STEAMM Domain Leader