A note from...
Karen Farrow
A note from...
Karen Farrow
This week, the Year 11 cohort celebrated their 2021 school year with a final meeting and celebratory cake. Outreach Captain Charli Riddle led the cohort in a gentle prayer for exams and gratitude and Curriculum Captain Samantha Galvin shared some positive exam hints and a wish for success. We acknowledged achievements by Diploma of Business and Mater students, Sports captains and Art captains for 2022, Charli Riddle’s Queensland Indoor Netball representation for the Nationals and a peer “shout out” to Amber Lawrey.
Indeed, I encouraged every student to reflect on their own unique qualities that their home room teachers, classroom teachers and peers could acknowledge. Our celebration concluded with an enjoyable video of photos from their year prepared by Daisy Freeman. Thank you Daisy!
There was a sense of achievement and high spirits by the students as they completed their first year of Elizabeth Hayes School studies. We all look forward to our journey together of final moments and events as we move towards graduation in 2022.