Middle School News

Year 10 Assembly
On Wednesday 1st December, we held the Year 10 Awards Assembly.
Past Principal, Mr Peter Gannon attended the assembly to present the Peter Gannon award which is awarded to two outstanding students at Year 10 who have demonstrated a commitment to personal growth and fostering a positive culture within the college community. This years winners were Jack Carter and Jessie Curtis.
Past student Chelsea del Romano also attended to speak to the Year 10's to give a commencement address for them graduating Middle School.
End of year House Captain speeches:
There's no denying it, Covid has affected this year.
We missed activities, and we had events postponed.
But let's not forget what has happened this year. From the sport carnivals at the start of the year, to the colour run of late, there has been fun in the year. Despite the hardship of lockdown and the closes, I think it's important to acknowledge that we did it. We made it. We faced the storm and stood strong. So let's look back at what made this year special.
Some of us excelled, took on the challenge of 1 2s and vet courses. We made connections with new people, and undertook subjects of our choosing, subjects that set us up for the senior school. We had subject events like the $20 boss program undertaken by the economics and business classes, or the fun undertaken by the outdoor ed classes. We had the house picnics at the start of the year, and we have Chicago in the coming weeks. Through this all we have found fun as a cohort and as individuals.
Now I ask you to reflect on this previous year. Look at what you enjoyed, and look at where you struggled. And think of what you want for next year. Because now its in our hands, so use everything you have, and most importantly have fun, in Year 11 2022.
Hello everyone. These past few years have been... something. The last normal year was year 8! Personally, for me, I’ve hated it and I can say with certainty that the vast majority of you guys hated it too. We had to spend 6 hours a day sitting down looking at our laptop, not having motivation for any work, not seeing any friends for months on end and if we were like me where my parents are essential workers, needing to spend most days home alone. But let’s not forget about the teachers, they did a fantastic job and are definitely not given enough credit. But time has finally arrived with us opening up. Touchwood. And that’s coinciding with us transitioning to Year 11.
Next year is when life starts to get real. We will start to close in on our lifelong goals. Some of us have already decided what we want to do and others not so much and that's fine. Our likes and dislikes will guide all of us to our future.
Not all of us are staying here to finish VCE, some of us are moving away (hopefully very far away from Melbourne so you don’t get trapped in another lockdown), some of us are doing VCAL, some will do VET and some will do other stuff. What you're doing, I wish the best for you and hope you have the best possible future.
Just remember, no matter how many times you fail, no matter how many times you come short. You can pick yourself up and come through the other side with knowledge and wisdom on your side.
A message from your Middle School House Captains
We seeking donations of canned goods, cereals, breads, packaged food etc for the Second bite Foundation. Donations can be left in the box at the General Office.
Stella Clubs
Terra & Stella Colour Run
Running and laughing, the colour run was most certainly enjoyed by everyone.
As we all excitedly walked to Price Park, we couldn’t help but think “Is it really worth it?” turns out, it was! Running on the trail and coloured powder being squirted at us from bottles, the teachers were enjoying the event just as much as we were. I was covered from head to toe! As we were approaching the end of lap 1, Ms Pinney Brown came out of nowhere and ran through the crowd laughing and squirting us with colour, I don’t think any student escaped that one! The teachers did not hesitate to have a little fun (I think they were taking a little bit of revenge because of how much we all talk in class!). This was an awesome way to get together, and everyone had an amazing time! I think everybody would like more events like this to happen over the years. Thank you to all the teachers who helped to arrange the event, we all had a blast!
Nimarpreet 7H
Ignis Launch activities
Out of Uniform Day, Concert and Zooper Dooper sales
Middle School House Captains raised money for the Middle School House charities: Make a Wish, WWF, Ronald McDonald House and RSPCA.
Final amount raised $1,133.75
Well done to the following bands who performed at the lunchtime concert on Tuesday 30th November: