
Live Love Learn

Dear Families,

We have a few busy weeks left of the school year and it is so exciting to be finally celebrating and sharing experiences with each other again.


Next Friday 3rd December, current Prep - 5  will have their first School Transition in the middle of the day when they will meet their teacher and peers for 2022. 

Our Prep 2022 students have been able to visit Galilee for the past three weeks and will complete their final transition afternoon next Thursday. 


Good luck to our current Year 5 students who will be presenting their leadership speeches and taking part in school captain interviews early next week.


Fair and Strong

By sorting out problems with others fairly, you will ensure your relationships remain connected, respected and protected. To aim for win-win, think about what you do or say? What have you thought since? Who has been affected and how? What could you do and say now?  How do you think things would change? What things should you say and do to make things right? 

Be nice
Be nice

School Closure Day

TOMORROW - Friday 26 November, Galilee will be closed for students but GOSH will be operating. Make sure you book in on their website

Thank you to Theircare for their flexibility and generosity in organising a Holiday Program at the conclusion of our school year.

Student Learning

The Year 5s have been working so hard on their Leadership Speeches. This week they presented their speeches to our current school leaders, the Year 6 students. They received feedback and tips on what to include in their speech and improved and rehearsed their speeches, showing motivation, determination and focus. Thank you to the Year 6s for giving us their expert opinion and well done year 5s for working so hard on their speeches. The Leadership Speeches are next Thursday and Friday and parents will be invited to watch on Google Meet! 

Thank you to ALL the students who got involved with Jump Rope for Heart! 

A huge thank you for the effort skipping and fundraising for the Jump Rope for Heart program this term. Together we raised an incredible $1851 and this money will all go towards vital heart research and education programs.


Congratulations to Nkem and Victoria who were the schools biggest fund raisers and will receive some great prizes from Jump Rope for Heart. 


I’ve loved seeing so many smiling faces skipping on the playground and in sports lessons. 

Keep up the skipping and thanks again for the hard work!


Warm Regards, 

Mr Hill

Galilee Christmas Party Parent Evening - A Touch of Christmas

Please join us to celebrate the end of 2021 at Galilee Primary School, and bring some Christmas Cheer!

Where: West Beach Pavilion, St Kilda West

When: Wednesday December 8th

Time: 7pm

Ticket: $10 via the Trybooking link below.

Receive a complimentary drink upon arrival and canapés will be served. The bar food menu & full drinks bar are available for additional drinks and meals upon completion of the canapé service.

Bookings are open via Trybooking by clicking on the link below:

Come along for a fun evening and catch up with your fellow Galilee parents. We’d love to see you there!

The Galilee Parent Committee

Seeds and Sprouts

We are very excited to announce that Galilee will be offering our Seeds and Sprouts program in 2022. 

Galilee will be offering two different class types in 2022:

Seeds ( 3-4 year olds)– for children starting school in 2024.   

Sprouts (4-5 year olds)– for children starting school in 2023.

The skills and learning areas our school readiness program aims to develop are:

-Social and Emotional Learning -participating in play experiences, being flexible with play ideas and compromising, approaching and greeting children in a positive way and making new friends, identifying and expressing emotions appropriately, coping with transitions.

-Language skills-asking questions and communicating thoughts and ideas, listening to others, developing conversation skills, listening to stories and being read to.

-Cognitive skills -being curious and developing an interest in learning new things, having the confidence to learn, being interested and encouraging a willingness to solve problems.

-Self-help skills- using the toilet unassisted, dressing and undressing themselves independently, exposure to a structured environment, working at the table.

-Physical skills-movement- jumping, skipping and hopping.

-Fine Motor Skills- scissors, correct pencil grip, finger strengthening tasks

-Pre-Literacy Skills- recognising and using phonics, sounds, letters and words, writing and reading their name.

-Pre-Numeracy Skills- recognising and making numbers. Developing an understanding of problem solving and maths concepts.

This program is facilitated by one of our experienced Prep Teachers and Learning Support Officers in collaboration with other Galilee staff. 

Further information to come in 2022. 

Scripture of the Week


We are very fortunate that the celebration of all the sacraments will be able to take place this term.

Father Hugh has asked Fr. Gary to accommodate the OLMC students and their families. Fr. Gary has kindly agreed to his request. All sacraments will be celebrated at StsPP as follows:

Eucharist: 4H Saturday November 27th at 10:00am, 4R Sunday November 28th at 2:00pm

Reconciliation: December 9 at 10am with Fr. Gary 

Confirmation: Thursday December 2nd at 7:00pm.

As we get closer to the dates of these ceremonies, alongside the possibility of further restrictions being lifted, as well as StsPP needing to follow the Victorian Government's public health regulations, we will notify families of all appropriate guidelines.

Many thanks in advance for your support and understanding as we navigate this.


Best wishes,

Simon Millar (Principal)