Years 5/6

Week Three

Another Friday, another week done! Week 3 has been great. We have completed lots of great work in class, begun our practise for the athletics sports in March and our diaries have arrived! Please keep encouraging your child to be reading each night and recording this in their diary with your initials whilst also practising their times tables for automatic recall and the sneaky homophones we have sent home. Thank you for your support with keeping students motivated to be improving these areas at home. 


Would you take the chance? Will you bank your money or will you try another round? The King is out to collect his tax. The 5/6 students have been looking at chance events this week like flipping a coin, using spinners and learning a new game called King's Tax using playing cards and addition skills. The students calculate the chances or the likeliness of cards being drawn from the deck for example a 2 of diamonds is 1/52 or a Queen is 4/52 (1/13) and they add the amount for each card each time it is flipped and when they think they have enough money in their kitty they stand up, banking it. All hopefully before a King is drawn because he is out to collect his tax leaving them with a $0 balance if they are still playing. 


Have you ever wondered am I eating an Oreo correctly? Well the 5/6 students have tried and tested how to eat them and have come up with these master procedurals to maybe try at home with the family. They had to pay particular attention to the structure of a procedural and their word choice, trying to avoid put, put, put or substitute chew for nibble or munch. 


Enjoy these procedures for how to eat an Oreo and some others that the students wrote.