Years F/2

Our Foundation students have really begun to settle into school routine now and are loving all the exciting things that happen at school.  We will certainly miss Hunter and Dakoda next week when they begin at their new school in Heywood. 


This week our favourite song to sing is 'Dingle Dangle Scarecrow'. We love doing the actions and singing the chorus. 


Our Year One students were learning about Loggerhead and long-necked turtles and they found out some fascinating facts. 


Did you know??

Ivy - Loggerhead turtles can swim a thousand kilometres. 

Hunter B - Long-necked turtles live in swamps and in rivers. 

Sienna - Long-necked turtles swim fast in the water and they walk slowly on land. 

Hunter B
Hunter B


The Foundation students have been learning the beginning sounds - s, a ,t, i , m. We have been practising writing the letters, saying the sounds that they make and building small words using these sounds , for example - s/a/t/ sat, m/a/t/ mat, i/t  it.  We have been been practising our fine motor skills by our cutting up squares to make igloos, drawing, threading and tracing. We have also been practising writing and making numbers to ten, creating patterns using colours and shapes.