New Chair for Stewardship Council

We are pleased to announce the Kildare Education Ministries Board has confirmed the appointment of Mrs Libby Barnes as Chairperson of the St Joseph's College Stewardship Council.


The KEM Board, along with the staff and students at St Joseph's College, would like to welcome Libby to this role as we begin an exciting new year of learning and growth as a Catholic college in the Echuca Moama area.


Libby brings considerable experience in secondary education in a number of schools, including St Joseph's, and as an educational consultant with the Catholic Education Sandhurst. As a long standing resident of Echuca, Libby has an understanding of the Echuca Moama community which will also enrich her work with the Stewardship Council.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank Shane Stacey, the outgoing Chair, for his hard work and dedication to the Stewardship Council over a number of years. We wish Libby all the best in her new role and we look forward to working with her.