Chaplin's Corner

& Community Notices


Welcome to another year, Launch families! As we begin I want to take a moment to breathe deeply and reflect on just how wonderfully you have all got through the last two (slightly bonkers) years. Seriously, you and your families have persevered, and you can be proud. This year ahead is a mystery in some ways, but we know two things:

Firstly, our perseverance has strengthened us- even if it doesn’t feel that way sometimes! We’ve learnt to be flexible, innovative and informed, and how to keep going amidst the unknowns. 

Secondly, we’re all in this together. We’re better, stronger and more cheerful when we support and gather around one another – even at a 1.5m radius! 

Take care friends, and please reach out if you’re overwhelmed- or any other kind of ‘whelmed’! Let’s do this.

