What is happening?

Our Year 11s Expand their Knowledge of Other Faiths

By Katie Fulton - Head of Religion


All our Year 11 students visited the Gordonvale Sikh Gurdwara on Wednesday of week 2 as part of their "Who is God?" Religion and Ethics unit. This term the students are focusing on the Eastern religions and will be studying Hinduism, Buddhism as well as Sikhism.


Cairns has a large and vibrant Sikh community and the Gurdwaras on the highway coming into Cairns are local architectural icons. The students were welcomed with an informative talk from Mr David Singh, who explained some of the basic tenets of the religion, and the key parts of the Gurdwara. Students respectfully removed their shoes and covered their heads upon entry, as a symbol of the equality among all people. 


After David’s talk, the Sikh community put on an incredible feast and range of soft drinks for the entire group. The hospitality and generosity was outstanding, and David invited all members of the Saints community to stop in and say hello if you’re ever passing by. 


A special thanks to Mr Patrick and Mrs Balbir Singh who work in Tolle's for their assistance in organising this  special visit. It was memorable for our students and a testament to the kindness and goodwill of the Sikh community in Cairns.


Saints Students Given the Chance to Discuss Business Ideas & Budgeting with Experts

By Noah Conlan - Year 12


Twenty-two Men of Saints  attended the JCU Heroes in Business Conference on the final day of Term 3. This event, which lasted all day, was aimed at guiding and inspiring the prospective, future generation of Cairns’ business leaders towards success in their future endeavors. We developed business ideas and reviewed them with Dr Marcus Powe who identified strengths and weaknesses in them and made us consider key stakeholders. 


The day was hosted by JCU and the knowledgeable Dr Powe, who communicated his wealth of professional insight in a digestible and entertaining way. Queensland Country Bank also gave us budgeting and job interview tips. 


Overall, the experience was enjoyable, and our thanks go to JCU, Dr Powe and the Queensland Country Bank for their investment in our futures. Additional thanks must go to Mr Sorensen for providing us with the opportunity to attend.