
We have commenced Italian for the term by introducing ourselves and learning a new prayer. 

Gesù Gesù stai con me.

Gesù Gesù prega per me.

Gesù Gesù sono con te.


The Middle and Senior school have been reading and learning all about the famous philosopher, astronomer and mathematician, Galileo Galilei. Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy.

We have been using our prior knowledge of Italian words and their meanings to assist us with understanding the text. The lady with the red hat (una donna con il cappello rosso) recounts the story of Galileo.

We will rehearse the phrases in the text in the coming weeks to help us prepare for a role play where each student will have a part to read.


The Junior school has been identifying the italian names for some foods and classifying them as healthy or not healthy (e’ sano, non e’ sano). 

They formed a sentence and practiced reading it.

La mela e’ sano ( The apple is healthy).

La ciambella non e’ sano (The donut is not healthy)


The Prep students listened to the story “Ecco Pinocchio” which will  be our focus text for this term. They enjoyed participating in the song ‘La canzone di Geppetto.”  Pinocchio the puppet made an appearance and the children were able to  ask him some questions using simple italian phrases like “Come ti chiami.”


Buona giornata!

Signora Scandizzo