Mr Butts' Announcements

Bishop Shane presents Mons  Peter with a certificate from Pope Francis for his 60th Anniversary as priest!

Mons Peter's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Mons Peter celebrated his 60th Anniversary as priest with a special mass and dinner in his honour last week. 25 priests and Bishops from Australia and Oceania celebrated mass at a packed St Brendan's church to give thanks to Mons Peter who has played a significant role in the lives of so many.  Over 400 people attended the dinner and heard tributes from a variety of distinguished guests.  It was a very special night for Mons Peter.

Mons Peter 60 Year Anniversary Mass

Grandparents Day

Our grandparents Day was once again a wonderful  celebration for all those who attended.  And there were many! The children loved welcoming grandparents into the classroom and the concert was a lot of fun!  Thanks to Mrs Hicks for preparing the children for the performance.

Student Learning Meetings

Student learning meetings took place last week and I was thrilled to see so many parents and carers come into school and meet with the teachers. Please continue to track your children's goals and discuss your child's learning with them at the end of the day.

Podcast for Dad's

I encourage our dad's to listen to Hamish Blake's podcast "How Dad's Dad". Lots of great ideas and fun ways to connect with your kids.

New Playground Equipment

The kids were very excited to try out the new playground equipment when they returned to school.  A new junior playground and climbing frame are in action and the new ninja course will be ready after we have developed the rest of the site.  Thank you to our wonderful P&F group who contributed a significant amount towards the upgrade.  As you can see they are very popular! 

Catholic Identity Review

St Mary's took part in a Catholic Identity review in the last week of term.  The review panel interviewed, students, parents and staff to determine ratings in the following areas:Sacraments & Prayer, Life Giving & Hope, Faithfulness, Justice and Inclusivity & Safety.   I am thrilled to report that St Mary's was rated as outstanding in many areas and there were many commendations on the wonderful Catholic Identity aspects of our school.  The report also outlined a number of goals to work towards in the future.  Thank you to Mrs Hicks who spent many hours preparing for the review gathering documentation and evidence for the panel.

McLennan St Parking

Please note that to avoid parking tickets in the McLennan St bus zones, drivers must remain in cars while waiting for after school pick ups. Unattended cars may be fined.

Assembly 24th July

Assembly 31st July

Principal's Award

24th July

Aurora McIntyre

Aurora is a responsible and hard worklng student with a great sense of humour.  She is a wonderful student to teach and goes about her work with little fuss and never complains. Thank you for being such a great role model Aurora!

31st July

Ryder Babarovich

Last week Ryder had a big fall on the concrete and showed great resilience by dusting himself off, wiping away some tears and continuing to play with his friends.  He is also developing confidence in the classroom and is a hard worker.  Well done Ryder!

Mr Butts' Jokes!

15 + 15 is thirty

16 + 16 is thirty too.


Egyptian Archeologists have discovered a mummy covered in peanuts and chocolate.  

They think it is Pharaoh Rocher!


Anthony Butts



Be Good to people and the world will be good to you.