School Captain's Message

Hi Parents, Teachers and Students of WVPS.


We have had a great start to the term and our School Captains and the JSC are focusing on some great initiatives such as keeping our school environment clean and free of rubbish, and students wearing the correct school uniform with pride. 

We encourage students to wear correct school uniform such as completely black shoes and navy-blue pants. We also urge you to try and bring nude food if possible, which means containers instead of plastic wrapping, in an attempt to help our environment. Students who can help us achieve these goals will receive house points and tokens for a reward.

 We recently had a successful athletics day. Wyndham won the house points for Grade 3 to 6 Athletics, though all houses put up a valiant effort. We have also begun working with the Wyndham council to set up our Active Travel Program to encourage students to ride a bike, or walk to school.  We hope with this program in place, active travel can be a seeable future for all students. 


Thank you.



Farheen, Isabella, Oyeyemi and Mae 

School Captains