Hello, from Carolyn.

Hello everyone,


Working bee thank you!

Thank you so very much to Sara for organising and overseeing our working bee on the weekend. Our willing worker bees got lots of jobs done! A very big 'Thank you' to the following families for coming along and helping our school to look it's best-

Schirmer, White, Taberner, Stehle, Broadbear, Camilleri, Gregg, Kelly, Napier, Muller, Spencely, Galvan and Weinstock. 

It was lovely to have so many of our students attending with their grown ups too. It shows how much our students and families value our school and grounds and working together. Thank you!


School Values voting.

Thank you all who voted for our school values. It is exciting to be able to declare that our school values are: Respect, Responsibility and Kindness. Over the rest of the year, we will be working with our school community to develop our understanding of these values and the important role they play in our school.

This term, we are focussing on respect. At our Monday assembly, we discussed what respect can 'look like', 'feel like' and 'sound like". Respect can sound like manners, invitations to play and 'Are you okay?". It can look like people sharing equipment, playing together, listening to each other. It can feel like trust, calmness and belonging.


Book Week parade!

We are celebrating Book Week with a dress up parade/assembly Friday 25th August 9am. Last year I encouraged parents/carers to also join in the fun by dressing up, and quite a few of you did! It was so lovely to see students, parents/carers and staff all dressed up and celebrating our favourite books. I hope that more of you can come along dressed up this year!


Have a lovely weekend!

warm regards,




School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.