We have an exciting term ahead of us in STEM! This term our science focus is Chemical Science.



Students will identify that objects are made of observable properties. They will explore how materials look and feel then work in groups to design and build a shelter for a little pig that will withstand the Big Bad Wolf! They will also be working on building their confidence using iPads independently.


Year 1/2:

Students will learn how materials can be changed with heat, conducting an experiment with lolly snakes to investigate if temperature affects how lollies stretch. They will learn about combinations of materials and how we use materials to make everyday objects, exploring the purpose of mixing materials together as they make bubble mixture and playdough.



Year 3/4:

Students will begin construction on their group Smart City project. They have been practising their coding skills and now will combine that with their engineering skills to build their model home, city or farm. They will be automating their models by adding features such as automatic fans, auto pet feeders and smart trash cans. The expo to show their completed projects will be held early in Term 4, so students will be very busy this term!


Year 5/6:

Students will consider properties and how they are used to classify matter as well as the specific properties and behaviour of the three states of matter - solids, liquids and gases. They will use Lego to explain that air is not just empty space. Students will explore how matter changes between states by using heating and cooling, and how some changes are reversible and some are irreversible. They will then design, build and test a device to protect an egg from a two-metre drop, using their knowledge of properties and purposes of materials.