Learning Space News




Students will be learning about fiction and non-fiction texts, identifying their key features. They will develop an understanding of fact and opinion and apply this skill by identifying them within a text. They will be extending their letter-sound knowledge while continuing to build their understanding of high-frequency (Heart) words to assist them when reading. 


In Writing, students will continue to work on writing a 'smiley face' sentence. A 'smiley face' sentence contains: a full stop, capital letter, finger spaces and makes sense. 

They will extend their letter-sound and high-frequency word knowledge, using these skills to write short texts. 


Students will also participate in language experiences, which provides a stimulus for reading and writing through the use of personal experiences and oral language. This term we are exploring weather, farms, chickens and gardens through a range of experiences. 


Thank you to all of the parents and carers who continue to support their child with take home readers, listening to their child read every day, filling out the yellow reading diary and practicing Heart words. It makes a big difference! 


  • Please ensure your child brings their take home readers and yellow diaries to school every Wednesday. 
  • Remind your child to bring their library book and bag on Wednesdays as well. 



Students will be continuing to build on their number knowledge from 1-20, and extending this knowledge to numbers to 100.  They will be practising counting forwards and backwards from various starting points.  They will be learning about simple addition and subtraction strategies using numbers up to 10 initially, and then developing these skills further to calculate simple equations up to 20 using concrete materials and recording the number equations. 


Students will be learning about measurement. They will use informal units, to compare common measurement attributes of objects,  such as length, weight and capacity. 


Towards the end of the term, students will be learning about money by recognising Australian coins and notes, identifying the value of each type of currency.


Teacher have published a post on Seesaw with activities, games and songs linked to their specific learning foci for Maths this term. These games and videos can be played and used at home to support your child's learning in Maths. 



This term the inquiry topic is being integrated into literacy lessons covering the key concepts of: what a farm is, farm animals, how farm animals are classified, the needs of different animals and that different animals produce different products. 


Exciting News!

The Foundation learning space will be home to duck eggs starting in Week 3. These eggs

 will be housed in an incubator to ensure the eggs are safe and warm in the correct humidity as we eagerly await their hatching.


Thursday 10th August - Foundation students and staff will be going on an excursion to Chesterfield Farm. Excursion permission slips will be sent home at the end of Week 3.  


Monday 14th August -  There will be chicken eggs in the learning space. Students will be able to compare the hatching cycle of chickens and ducks. 



Foundation students have Year 6 buddies in Term 3, meeting with for the first time last week.

The Foundation students will have a Year 5 buddy in Term 4. 


Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Students have been exploring in greater depth how our emotions impact our daily lives. Alongside developing their emotional literacy, they will begin a daily emotion check-in each morning as they enter the learning space. 


100 Days of School

Friday 4th August, is our 100th day of school. This calls for a BIG celebration! Students are encouraged to dress up as what they might look like as a 100 year old person or dress up as something that represents the number 100.



Parents are welcome to join in the fun and are invited to participate in our morning 100 days of school craft activity held in the Foundation Learning Space from 9:00 – 9:30am. There will be a special assembly in the afternoon where students will be presented with their Hundredth Day of School medal and certificate



Important dates (more details to come):

  • 100 Days of School – Friday 4th August 2023
  • Chesterfield farm Excursion – Thursday 10th August 2023
  • Henny Penny Eggs - 14th August 2023