From the Principal

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Parent Teacher Interviews last week. Both Tuesday and Wednesday day/evening went smoothly. With many interpreters onsite and Year 3-6 students delivering Student Led Conferences, the 15 minute sessions ran efficiently and positively. Interpreters commented on the positive and inclusive culture at our school which is a testament to our dedicated staff, students and parents. Thank you to all the staff who worked late into the evening with some staff working both nights. If you did not attend a Parent Teacher Interview, teachers will be contacting you by phone to discuss your child’s Semester 1 Report. All Semester 1 Reports are published on Sentral so please ensure you have access to these reports and you discuss this with your child: celebrating the Semester 1 achievements and encouraging the Semester 2 goals. 


Important Reminder: TOMORROW, Friday 28th July is CURRICULUM DAY which is a student free day. There will be no school for Foundation – Year 6 students tomorrow and Out of School Hours Care will not be operating. All staff will be at school participating in whole school professional learning on Disability and Inclusion and the new UR Strong Program which will support students in developing positive friendships.


School Crossing: The school crossing supervisor has informed that there are parents/carers who are creating traffic congestion on Athol Road and blocking the crossing. A simple solution is for parents to use Harold Road and park in the car park at the back of the shopping centre. Another option is to park further along Athol Road and then students can walk the remainder of the way. Please consider this when dropping off and picking up your child for the safety of everyone.


Driving in the school car park: Only parents with a disabled permit can drive into the school driveway. Unfortunately, we have had some parents ignoring this rule and compromising the safety of others. 

Please DO NOT DRIVE IN THE SCHOOL CAR PARK for morning drop off or afternoon pick up. 


Canteen: At times the Canteen may need to close at short notice. When this happens, money is reimbursed for lunch orders. Unfortunately, the canteen has had to close 2 days last week and all of this week.

Please ensure you are reading Sentral notices daily so you are receiving important information regarding canteen and any other urgent messages you need to know.


NAPLAN: Year 3 and Year 5 NAPLAN results for individual students have been sent home. Please keep your child’s NAPLAN result in a safe place as some secondary schools ask for the report as part of the enrolment process. Teachers are currently unpacking the NAPLAN data and I am proud to say that the results for Athol Road PS are excellent. Congratulations to all our Year 3 and Year 5 students and to all our teachers who work hard to prepare our students to achieve positive outcomes.


National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD): The NCCD is an annual collection of information about Australian school students with disability.

The NCCD enables schools, education authorities and governments to better understand the needs of students with disability and how they can be best supported at school. All Australian schools are required to participate in the NCCD. Parental, guardian or caregiver consent is not required. This is because the NCCD is required and authorised by law (the Australian Education Act 2013 and Australian Education Regulation 2013). If the school has the information on a student’s adjustments/category of disability on its records, it must provide that information to the Australian Government Department of Education. Student names, any identifying information or personal details are not provided to the Australian Government Department of Education as part of the NCCD. All information and data relating to students with disability and the adjustments provided must be managed in accordance with applicable privacy state legislation and policies. For further information:


Aussie of the Month: Congratulations to our two Aussie of the Month students. Roney Chhim in Year 2 and Hannah Nguyen in Year 5. Both students were proudly presented with their award at last week’s assembly. Well done, keep up the great work. The ARPS community is very proud of you 😊 








Carmel Nigro

Acting Principal