Science - Truth Sleuths

Subject Name: Science


Unit of Study: Truth Sleuths


Brief Description: In this science unit of study students will disseminate fake news ,master data analysis & investigate how to create a sustainable future. Medica literacy, fact-checking and critical thinking will be important tools used to inform decisions that will directly respond to pressing environmental challenges. Students will be presented with eco friendly practices and will be exposed to responsible technology usage that will be required for sustainable living. This course equips students to be informed global citizens, promoting a sustainable future while navigating the complexities of the modern information landscape.


Scaffolding Learning

At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have: 


An understanding of key knowledge

  • Identify and explain environmental issues, ecological systems and sustainable practices. Evaluate the importance of the environment and identify responsible actions to ensure a sustainable future 
  • Reflect on the values and needs of contemporary society, and they influence the focus of scientific research  (VCSSU116)

Attained these key skills 

  • Designing and constructing appropriate graphs to represent data and to look for trends and patterns (VCSIS137)
  • Using knowledge to investigate, evaluate, form conclusions, and consider alternatives, as well as assessing the process for possible improvements.  (VCSIS139)
  • Communicating scientific ideas. (VCSIS140)
  • Critically examine their own and others thinking processes and discuss factors that influence thinking, including cognitive biases (VCCCTM051)


Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities

  • Science as a Human Endeavour
  • Science understanding - earth and space science  
  • Science Inquiry skills 

Assessment Tasks


Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:

  • Oral presentation
  • Test 
  • Research project

Additional learning opportunities

  • Film Analysis of misleading documentaries 
  • Analysis of Fake News


  • N/A


This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.