Science - Mind Matters

Subject Name: Science


Unit of Study: Mind Matters


Brief Description: This science area of study explores the human brain's structure and anatomy, how neurons function, and how the brain responds to threats. Students will investigate the effects of various drugs and hormones on brain function. Additionally, they will investigate neurological development across a lifespan. They will also delve into neurodegenerative diseases and the effect of damage to the brain. Get ready for an intriguing journey through the fascinating world of neuroscience!


Scaffolding Learning

At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have: 


An understanding of key knowledge

  • An animal’s response to a stimulus is coordinated by its central nervous system (brain and spinal cord); neurons transmit electrical impulses and are connected by synapses (VCSSU118)
  • Investigate how the body reacts to the presence of micro-organisms (VCSSU117)
  • Explaining (using models, flow diagrams or simulations) how body systems work together to maintain a functioning body (VCSSU117)
  • Describing mutations as changes in DNA or chromosomes and outlining the factors that contribute to causing mutations and recognising that genetic information passed on to offspring is from both parents (VCSSU119)

Attained these key skills 

  • Designing and constructing appropriate graphs to represent data and to look for trends and patterns (VCSIS137)
  • Explain scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose, including constructing evidence-based arguments using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations (VCSIS140)
  • Describing data properties (for example mean, median, range, outliers, large gaps visible on a graph) and their significance for a particular investigation sample, acknowledging uncertainties (VCSIS138)
  • Presenting results and ideas using formal experimental reports, oral presentations, multimodal presentations, poster presentations and contributing to group discussions (VCSIS140)


Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities

  • Science as a Human Endeavour
  • Science understanding - biological sciences
  • Science Inquiry skills 

Assessment Tasks


Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:

  •  Experiment + scientific report  
  • Test 

Additional learning opportunities

  • Practical Investigations


  • N/A


This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.