Science - Ecology Explorations

Subject Name: Science


Unit of Study: Ecology Explorations


Brief Description: This unit of study delves into the captivating world of ecology, where students explore the delicate balance of ecosystems and the wonders of biodiversity. From unravelling the secrets of species adaptations and ecological interactions to investigating the human impact on nature, students gain a profound appreciation for Earth's interconnected web of life. Engaging in hands-on activities, field trips to lush habitats, and interactive discussions, students develop critical thinking and sustainable practices. Join us in preserving the planet's natural treasures and become empowered stewards in this fun-filled exploration of the living world. “This elective aims to ignite students' passion for ecology, nurturing their appreciation for the natural world and empowering them to become responsible stewards of the environment.


Scaffolding Learning

At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have: 


An understanding of key knowledge

  • Explore interactions between organisms, for example, predator/prey, parasites, competitors, pollinators and disease vectors (VCSSU121)
  • Use model to examine factors that affect population sizes, for example, seasonal changes, destruction of habitats, introduced species (VCSSU121)
  • Investigate how ecosystems change as a result of environmental change, for example, bushfires, drought and flooding (VCSSU121)

Attained these key skills 

  • Designing and constructing appropriate graphs to represent data and to look for trends and patterns (VCSIS137)
  • Use knowledge to evaluate investigation conclusions, including assessing the approaches used to solve problems, critically analysing the validity of information obtained from primary and secondary sources, suggesting possible alternative explanations and describing specific ways to improve the quality of data (VCSIS139)
  • Communicate scientific ideas (VCSIS140)


Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities

  • Science as a Human Endeavour
  • Science understanding - biological sciences & Earth and Space Sciences 
  • Science Inquiry skills 

Assessment Tasks


Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:

  • Practical Investigation Report 
  • Oral Presentation 
  • Test


  • N/A


This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.