Art/Tech - Friendly Footprints  

Subject Name: Food Technology


Unit of Study: Friendly Footprints  


Brief Description: In this unit of study students research, design and explore food sustainability strategies including ethical and= sustainable considerations of our everyday cooking.


Scaffolding Learning

At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have: 


An understanding of key knowledge

  • Investigate current environmental and economic sustainability and social trends, issues and influences in Australian food industry sectors, and the impact on food security 
  • Identify influences on effective planning, management and decision-making in the provision and preparation of food in the home, including resources such as time and money, and values such as health and sustainability.
  • Discuss the key elements of primary production of food in Australia and its influence on the home and earth.

Attained these key skills 

  • Describe Australia’s leading industries in primary food production, processing, manufacturing and marketing
  • Analyse the benefits of developing practical food skills and identify factors enabling the acquisition and application of these skills
  • Undertake practical activities to analyse commercial food production in Australia


Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities

  • Creating Designed Solutions  (VCDSCD060), (VCDSCD061), (VCDSCD062), (VCDSCD063), (VCDSCD064)

Assessment Tasks


Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:

  • Design Process Task 
  • Practical Assessment Task
  • Research Task 

Additional learning opportunities

  • Excursion - Macleod Community Garden 


  • Container


This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.