Community News

Dobsons Uniform Shop
** Keep an eye out for Buy Early Sale coming soon**
The uniform shop hours are:
Monday 8.30 - 11.30 am
Wednesday 1.00 - 4.00 pm
Thursday 1.00 - 4.00 pm
First Saturday of month 9.00 am - 12.00 pm (during Terms 1 & 4 only)
* not school or public holidays
Phone number: 9580 2049
Dobsons Mordialloc
P 03 9580 2049 | E| W
Mordialloc College Second Hand Uniform site
Mordialloc College Second Hand Uniform Facebook site, this Group has been designed for the buying and selling of Mordialloc second hand uniform only. On Facebook you just need to search up the site under Groups or go to:
This is a volunteer initiative and the school has no direct involvement. We ask that you read the rules on the site before buying and selling. Any questions can be directed to the site administrator.
In deciding how to price your uniform, prices of new uniform items can be viewed through the link on the College website under ‘uniform’.
Kingston Libraries Young Adult programs
Kingston Libraries run various young adult programmes at their libraries. Please click on the links below for further information:
YA Chat Fortnightly at Parkdale Library 4:30 - 5:30 pm. Casual catch up. In partnership with Kingston Youth Services. No bookings required. YA Chat - Kingston Libraries
Young Writers Group Fortnightly at Cheltenham Library 5 - 6 pm Develop, share, and meet other young writers. No bookings required. Young writers group - Kingston Libraries
Dungeons & Dragons Fortnightly at Parkdale Library and Westall Library. 4 - 6 pm. Join in a series of adventures. Bookings required. Dungeons & Dragons - Kingston Libraries
Lions Club Op Shop Mordialloc
The Lions Club Op Shop in Mordialloc supports the local community and our school. The op shop, located at 497 Main Street, accepts clothing, shoes, toys, books and more.
The Lions Op Shop's hours are Monday, Tuesday, Friday (10 am - 3 pm) and Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday (10 am - 4 pm). Let's work together to declutter, simplify, and make our community better!
Financial Resources for Struggling Families
The Brotherhood of St. Laurence’s mission is to work for an Australia free of Poverty.
Given the cost-of-living challenges at the moment, many families are doing it very tough and could use some help.
See below for some helpful resources:
- The Saver Plus Program (full disclosure, this is delivered by the Brotherhood of St. Laurence)
- State Schools Relief
- Camps, Sports and Education Fund
- Computerbank
67 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065 |
Fostering with Anglicare Victoria
We have so many children in need of loving caring homes.
We are available to answer any questions you may have and are keen to offer in-person information sessions to staff and families.
Please contact us via email at with questions, for extra resources or to arrange a visit