Y9/10 Japanese 

City Excursion

Year 9 and 10 Japanese City Excursion

On the 7th of September the Japanese class visited the city. In the city, we begun by attending a Japanese seminar, where we got to speak to 3 women who have lived in Japan. We got to learn more about our sister city, Aichi, and our sister state, Oosaka. After the seminar, we caught a tram to the Japanese restaurant called Superhero. We got to enjoy a bento box that we pre-selected, and got complimentary miso soup and matcha ice cream along with it. After we enjoyed the meal, we set off to complete the scavenger hunt that Yamane Sensei had created for us. Through a joint effort we were able to find our way across the city and regroup at Flinders' Station.

On behalf of students studying Japanese, I can say this excursion was valuable towards developing our skills of directional vocabulary and team-work. We all owe a big thank you to Yamane Sensei for organizing this trip.








By Scarlett Ralston Y10


Year 9 and Y10 Japanese Visit Beaumaris North Primary School

On the 12th of September, the year 9 and 10 Japanese class visited Beaumaris North Primary school. After a quick walk, we arrived at Koji Sensei’s Japanese class. Scarlet and Arri introduced our class, and taught class 3A the basics of Dobutsu Shogi, meaning animal chess! Each student supervised a game between 2-3 year 3 students. We enjoyed teaching them about the popular Japanese game and helping them learn to play. We also made sure to incorporate Japanese words into the game like the names of the animals, or the direction they placed them. The class went for a short 30 minutes and at the end, we donated a box of origami for their display!









By Y9 Chloe C 


Ms Maiko Yamane
