Parents & Friends News
Dear All,
Wow how amazing were the Year 6’s and their parents for hosting our first Cake Stall. Not only did we have the best weather for it, but also had so many choices of yummy desserts.
I would like to thank all the parents, carers and Year 6’s who helped bake all the yummy sweets, we really appreciate the effort you all put in. Also, thanks to Angela, Charmaine, Ellie, Jade, Cath along with our chefs Amelia, Anthony, Chris, Bella, Nicky and Spencer who were selling our cakes. Thanks to the community by supporting the Cake Stall.
As we mentioned in the last Newsletter we will be hosting a Cake Stall every 2 weeks and this Monday 31st July is the Year 5. They will be baking all week, so don’t forget to come along on Monday afternoon from 3:15pm until 3:45pm to get some more yummy sweets.
Time: 3:15pm to 3:45pm
Dates are:
Monday 14th August - Year 4
Monday 28th August - Year 3
Monday 11th September - Year 2
Monday October 9th - Year 1
Monday October 23rd - Prep
Movie Night - Wednesday 23rd August
To help fight the winter blues we are going to have a Movie Night for our children. We would like you to SAVE THE DATE for Wednesday 23 August starting at 5pm. More details to follow in the next week or so.
Grandparents and Special Person Morning
It was so nice to see all the Grandparents and Special person last week, its always a beautiful Church service with all the children. Afterward they were excited to show their special person what they have been learning in their rooms. I enjoyed meeting a few of you at the morning tea afterwards. Thanks to Kasia, Claudette and Carla for helping set up the room and serving our hot drinks and yummy biscuits.
Trivia Night
With only a couple of days left until our “Mini Fundraiser” Back to School Trivia night, you still have time to buy tickets as we have extended our Early Bird prices, so jump online and dig out your old uniform and come along for a fun filled night. We also have our children’s Art Work which is displayed in the office and will be up for Auction on the night. See you all there!
On behalf of the P&F team have a good weekend.