General Information

Staged return to onsite learning
Remote and flexible learning will continue to be delivered to students on the days they are not attending onsite. Vulnerable children and children of people on the authorised provider and authorised worker list are able to continue attending onsite.
The settings above are indicative only and are subject to change. They are indications based on the presently available public health evidence (including epidemiological evidence). All future directions will be made on the basis of public health evidence (including epidemiological evidence) as it exists at the time the directions are made. Based on the evidence at that point in time, the Chief Health Officer (or other authorised officer) must consider the directions to be reasonably necessary to protect public health, give proper consideration to human rights under the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities 2006 (Vic), and make decisions that are compatible with human rights under the Charter.
Parent, Student and Teacher Interviews
Open communication with your child’s secondary school is especially important through the changes and challenges of the adolescent years. Schools and teachers, as well as support staff including counselors, are in an excellent position to watch how your child is developing and learning.
Interviews will take place on Thursday 7th October from 12pm to 7:30pm. Each interview is for 10 minutes and will be ONLINE. A link to a virtual meeting room for each staff member appears in Compass and will be emailed to you closer to the day of interviews.
Bookings OPEN on September 15th and CLOSE at 12pm on October 6th
Interviews are booked through Compass, see instructions below. Log in at you are unable to login, please call the College on 03 5990 0200
- Select ‘Conferences’ from under the People icon
- Select ‘Parent, Student & Teacher Interviews Term 4, 2021
- Click ‘Show me How to Book’ for instructions, see below
Parent teacher student interviews give you a great opportunity to:
- learn more about your child’s academic, emotional and social development
- meet and get to know your child’s teachers
- help your child’s teachers understand more about your child
- make plans with the teacher about how you can both support your child
- build a relationship with your child’s school.
- show your child that you’re interested in their learning needs and what’s happening for them at school
Before the interview:
The interview time tends to pass quickly so it helps to be well prepared. A list of questions will help you remember what you want to talk about. For example:
- What are my child’s strengths?
- What does my child struggle with?
- How much homework should my child be doing every night?
- What can I do at home to help with my child with schoolwork?
- What can you tell me about my child’s behaviour in class?
- How is my child getting along with other students?
- What support services are available for my child at school?
At the interview:
The interview may be the first time you meet your child’s teacher. Please be assured that it is normal to feel a bit nervous and that teachers will make you feel at ease in the interview. You’ll have a pre-arranged meeting time* so it’s important to be on time.
Being open and friendly will set you up for positive communication with the teacher. You can show that you respect what the teacher is saying by listening carefully and trying not to become too defensive, even if you disagree with the feedback. It’s important to get as much out of the meeting as you can, so if you don’t understand or fully grasp what’s being said, ask the teacher to explain to clarify or expand on a point.
If you have to discuss any problems with the teacher, it helps to come ready with some possible solutions, or at least some positive and practical suggestions. Be willing to listen to the teacher’s ideas too. The aim is for you and your child’s teacher to work on problems in partnership with each other. After all, you both share the same goal of wanting your child to learn and feel successful. If you make any decisions, it’s good to agree on who will follow up and when.
COVID-19 Vaccinations
Dear Students,
As part of the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out, everyone aged 12 and older is now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
Victorians aged 12 and older are eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccine at a state vaccination centre, Commonwealth vaccination centre, participating GP clinics, pharmacies or community health services.
COVID-19 vaccines are an essential protection against serious illness.
Vaccination is not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged, except where your medical practitioner advises you otherwise.
You and your parents/guardians or carers should speak with your GP or pharmacist if you have health questions.
The Victorian Government’s aim is to provide an opportunity for all students aged 12 years and over to receive at least one vaccine dose by the end of the school year.
Please discuss your vaccination with your parent/guardian or carer and with your teachers to plan your absence and minimise disruption to your learning if your vaccination appointment is during school hours.
You can book your own vaccination appointment and you may be able to consent to vaccination yourself if the health professional assesses you to be a mature minor. This means that the health professional assesses that you understand the information relevant to your decision to be vaccinated and the effect of that decision.
Your parent/carer can also complete a consent from for COVID-19 vaccination for you to bring to your appointment, or they can attend with you to provide consent in person.
How to book an appointment
You, your parent/guardian or carer can book or change a vaccination appointment at a state vaccination centre through the Victorian Government’s COVID-19 vaccine online booking system. To find a state vaccination centre and opening times, visit Book your vaccine appointment.
You, your parent/guardian or carer can also book a vaccine appointment at a participating GP, pharmacy or community health service through the Vaccine Clinic Finder. You can book your appointment online or by calling the vaccine provider nearest to you.
For information on what to bring to a vaccine appointment, visit Checklist: before your COVID-19 vaccination.
The Victorian Government’s coronavirus website has information about COVID-19 vaccines in 63 community languages at Translated information about COVID-19 vaccines.
School pop-up vaccination sites
You, your parent/guardian or carer may be eligible to visit a community pop-up vaccination site at a local school near you. This is a great opportunity for students, their families and the local community to get vaccinated at a familiar, accessible location. Schools hosting pop-up vaccination sites will provide details directly to students, as well as their parents/guardians and teachers.
What to bring
Bring these things, if you have them:
- a face mask
- any emails about your vaccination appointment (on your phone or printed)
- photo identification, if you have one, such as a passport or driver’s licence
- a Medicare number or Individual Healthcare Identifier number
For information on what to bring to a vaccine appointment please visit Checklist: before your COVID-19 vaccination.
More information
For more information about eligibility, visit or use the Australian Government’s Vaccine Clinic Finder. For further assistance, contact:
- the Department of Health Coronavirus hotline: 1800 675 398
- the National coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccine helpline: 1800 020 080.