Health & PE

Health & PE

Year 12 Physical Education-Training Programs

For the bulk of Unit 4, the Year-12 Physical Education class focused on understanding what goes into making an effective training program and how we could improve our fitness gains over a period of time.


We designed an assortment of training programs that targeted speed, aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance as well as implemented principles like overload and specificity in order to maximise the improvement in our fitness levels.


The structure of our programs mirrored that of a program designed by a professional personal fitness trainer, with the inclusion of a warm-up and a cool down following the block of conditioning work.


Different training methods were also explored, with the inclusion of speed-play, circuit training, interval training, resistance and continuous training throughout our various programs.  Following each training session a reflection was completed which assisted to gauge the levels of fatigue we experienced as well as any psychological changes.


Designing the programs was a very-hands on experience that allowed us to implement the concepts we learnt into practice, showing us how we could use this knowledge and apply it to ourselves. Learning by experience additionally brought on a sense of satisfaction as we were able to accomplish goals set during the drafting process of the programs. 


Ally Kendt

Year 12 Physical Education Student