Resource Centre

Resource Centre

Centrally located within the school, the Resource Centre provides a number of services which are used on a daily basis by students during normal school days.


Typical questions which many students ask of the librarian:


How can I print my work?

A printer / photocopier is located in the foyer of the Resource Centre.


Students are able to send their work to this printer from their classroom via their device and then come to the Resource Centre to do their printing. The printer is accessed via the student’s network login.

Can I borrow an ipad or laptop?

Ipads and laptops are available for loan from the Resource Centre for the school day if a student is experiencing difficulties with their own device. This can include the device going flat, is broken and awaiting repair of if the student genuinely forgot to bring their own device to school. The ipads or laptops are returned to the Resource Centre at the end of the day.

Students are however strongly encouraged to bring their own device to school, fully charged.


Can I borrow a book for my English class?

Years 7-9 English classes have time set aside at the beginning of each period when students are required to engage in silent reading of a book of their choice. The Resource Centre supports this important activity by providing a current, stimulating collection of fiction books which students of all year levels are able to access and enjoy.


Are you open at lunchtimes?

The Resource Centre is open each day at lunchtime and provides a safe and supportive environment where all students are welcome to study, read or quietly socialize with others. 


Students are generally very respectful of these requirements which makes for a friendly atmosphere and allows the various activities to take place. 


Ms Linda Duncan

Resource Centre Manager