Term 3 Bulletin, Week 7
Thank You
I would like to take the opportunity to thanks everyone for the tremendous support and care shown towards each other during the events of 'Berry Street' training. It certainly was an interesting week, but I was incredibly proud of the way that everyone 'pulled together', looked after each other and chipped in to support.
Reflecting on what certainly was an unusual and challenging week, I am incredibly proud of you all and the way that our staff norms were reflected in each staff members actions throughout the week.
Firstly, thank you to Schelly who managed to keep the school open and operational whilst also being crook... what an outstanding effort. This involved being on deck throughout the day, including bus runs, cooking, yard duties etc. Thank you!!
Astrid also did an amazing job! With the school phone diverted to her mobile, people calling the school would have been unaware that we were not even onsite. Astrid also went above and beyond by supporting the LET Team on numerous occasions with head counts and roll calls etc.
Finally Joseph, Adam and Anthony collectively did a fantastic job of just keeping everything in perspective, working together as a team and just looking after each other without a single complaint. In fact throughout the course of the week we even found opportunities to have fun, enjoy each others company and a laugh or two together. As a leader, I cannot say just how helpful this was. It really made my work so much easier. There was not a single complaint or issue raised. Thank you all very much!!
All of these behaviours really were a collective demonstration of our staff norms in action!
MODEL PROFESSIONALISM, teamwork and collaboration
SUPPORT & CARE FOR OTHERS in all interactions
USE HUMOUR where appropriate to foster positive relationships
Classroom Walk Through
During the course of the week I intend to conduct classroom walk throughs of each classroom on a daily basis and aim to provide written feedback to each teacher by the end of the week. The focus of these classroom walk throughs will be on...
Intentionality of Instruction
- Is there a clearly described learning intention? (clearly linked to the AC)
- Are students actively engaged in the intentional learning of reading?
Classroom Organisation
- Are resources organised, clearly labelled, stored neatly?
- Are student resources organised, trays labelled, students provided with labelled readers/books etc
Learning Displays
- Are there clear examples of student learning on display? Examples?
- Is progress in learning evident? How?
Classroom Pride
- Is there pride in the classroom evident?
- Are learning spaces clean, tidy, organised, surfaces cleared?
PAT Testing
As you may be aware PAT Testing of students across all South Australian government schools is due to be conducted between weeks 7-10. This involves students undertaking diagnostic assessments in both Reading and Mathematics. Each of the two tests take students approximately 40 minutes to complete.
PAT Testing is an important opportunity for us as educators to clarify our understanding of where students 'are at' in regards to their reading and mathematic ability.
It is important that we support as many students in years 3+ as possible to complete the testing during the coming weeks. The information from these tests will inform our Site Improvement Planning processes as well as those of the Anangu Partnership and DfE.
Please read the attached documents in readiness for the commencement of testing:
Dibels Testing
Over the past few weeks Nyukuti, Adam and I have been supporting an Anangu Partnership trial of a new reading assessment tool called Dibels.
Dibels testing is an assessment tool which provides educators with a clearer understanding of student's letter/sound recognition and phonics and phonological skills.
Working with Sue Charleston and Thomas Hampton, Nyukuti has also been supporting the trial of an assessment tool closely aligned to Dibels which assess students letter/sound recognition in Pitjantjatjara.
Murputja Anangu School is one of five schools across the Anangu Partnership which are currently engaged in the trial of Dibels. The learnings from our involvement in the trial will be collated with the other trial sites and then shared back to the leaders across the Partnership before 'next steps' are considered. Already our trial is providing us with important data which only serves to highlight the importance of our focus on Reading. The data currently being collected will be shared as the trial concludes in coming weeks.
Anangu Lands Schools Conference
Unfortunately the two day Anangu Lands Schools Conference planned for Adelaide October 12th-13th has been impacted by COVID-19 restrictions, meaning that the conference will now be a one day 'online event' held on Wednesday Oct 13th. Staff will have travel days on Oct 11th-12th to return from Adelaide with the conference to be held on Oct 13th. Further details regarding the conference programme will be shared just as soon as they become available.
PAC Update
At this stage there is still no new information regarding the outcome of Principal Panel. I hope to be able to make an announcement in the very near future.
Grounds and Facilities Upgrades
As you are aware, the installation of the new built-in benches to our classrooms, teacher preparation area and first-aid room has made a significant improvement to our learning spaces and school.
The toilets upgrade is now complete and it is fantastic that our students are now finally able to access suitable toilet facilities.
Further grounds upgrades including the installation of a firepit, bbq, and outdoor kitchen area are due to commence in the coming weeks. This will provide a welcoming area where we will be able to hold some fantastic community events in the future.
Plans are also being made to improve our donga accommodations which will see decking and verandahs being added.
The whiteboards which were ordered earlier in the term have now arrived and should be installed in the coming weeks and the iPad charging cabinets are now fully installed and able to charge our electronic devices whist also being stored safely and securely.
Website Update
Plans are currently underway to update the photos on the Murputja Anangu School website. Early next week Astrid will be visiting classrooms to take photos of both our students and educators in action. These photos will be then uploaded to our school website. Obviously our website is an important opportunity to promote both our school and our work to the broader community. I look forward to sharing this work with the students and governing council in the coming weeks.
RAAN Training
An important piece of professional learning which we are all required to undertake is the update of RAAN Training. This training is accessed via PLINK and takes approximately 90 minutes. All staff are encouraged to complete this training as soon as practical. This update is required when renewing your Teachers Registration.
Professional Develop Outline T3
Attached below is the Professional Develop Outline for Term 3.
As you will see from the outline, a significant focus of the schedule is on our SIP priorities of Reading and the Big Six of Reading. The overall intention of the professional development throughout term 3, is to strengthen staff’s understanding of the Australian Curriculum and the Big Six of Reading whilst also building the understanding, and use of, diagnostic assessments to inform the intentional teaching of reading and reading intervention. The learning will also centre on the assessment tools outlined in the draft assessment schedule attached below.
Upcoming & Events
As you know Term 3 is an incredibly hectic time in any school and this term is certainly no different. However as we have come to expect, COVID-19 continues to impact significantly on planning and events.
Outlined below are the key events for T3 + T4 and arrangements as they currently stand. Obviously these arrangements can change at anytime and most certainly will...
Upcoming Events and Dates
Wk1... July 1st - 2nd Travel Days
Week 3... August 2nd - 4th LET Site Visit (Mark, Sue + Kerry)
Week 3... August 5th - 6th Leaders' Days (Mat + Joseph out)
Week 4... August 9th - 13th Sue and Thomas Visit to work with AEs
Week 4... August 10th SA Water Visiting
Week 4... August 12th Sports Day POSTPONED
Week 5... August 16th - 17th Berry Street training - Alice Springs
Week 5... August 18th - Berry Street Travel Day
Week 5... August 16th - 20th Classroom benches installation
Week 6... August 23rd - 24th External Review POSTPONED
Week 7... September 2nd - Support Services ( Kane Hillman + Kate Jones)
Week 8... September 10th Ernabella Dance (Video Recording Due)
Week 10 September 23rd - 24th Travel Days
Wk1... October 11th Travel Day
Wk1... October 12th - 13th Anangu Lands Schools Conference
Wk1... October 14th - 15th - Travel Days
Wk6... November 18th - 19th Leaders' Days (Mat + Joseph out)
Wk8... December 3rd Christmas Party
Wk9... December 9th - 10th Travel Days
External Review Postponed
Unfortunately our External Review which was due to be held last week has been another casualty of COVID-19 restrictions and has been postponed until term 1 next year. Whilst this is tremendously disappointing, the effort has not been wasted as much of our preparation will be in place for 2022. I would like to thank everyone for their support as we were all set to go. The good news is that we will be even better placed to show our good work in 2022.
been developed to ensure a consistent approach/format throughout the school. e Student Learning Portfolio each week by adding a minimum of 2-3 work samples with the attached proforma which outlines the task, learning intention, success criteria and feedback/teacher's comment.