From the Assistant Principals

Mrs Louise Reinke and Mrs Dale Cain

Dear Parents and Carers,


Just a message of support from the staff of St Mary’s. We know that this whole situation is tough, we have many feelings about the lockdown and we all worry for our family and friends. We all have different strains and pressures put upon us. Many of us need to maintain our work - be it working from home or outside of the house, some of us can stay home and run our households, some are managing a combination of both!


We are so grateful for all the support and assistance parents are giving to their children. 

Please remember, we are not in an Educational Crisis, we are in a Health Crisis. The purpose of this lockdown is to limit our movement and interactions, which is why we are limiting the number of our staff on site and the school is open for our essential workers' children. 


Please be kind to yourselves and your loved ones. We want the children to continue to have academic success and feel a sense of wellbeing. To fulfil our requirements in regards to attendance at school we are asking that your child attends a zoom check in each day and has an attempt at some of the work being posted in the Google classrooms or being sent home in packs or on thumb drives.  The Zoom meetings are also an important way for children to see their peers and friends and realise that they are not the only ones in this situation.  If, however, you are having a tough day - be kind to yourself. Just read a story with your child, do not stress about finishing every task. Email the school and let us know that, for today, that is all you could get to…..that’s ok!!


We are here to help, please contact us if you have a concern. Please let us know what we can do to assist you and your family.


Thanks to all the families who have shared photos of their children participating in the Wellbeing Challenges. We hope that it has provided an extra activity or something different that you can do with your child during this tough time.  Please remember that while one goes up each morning, there isn't a time frame, nor any expectation that they are completed. If you don't get the time or opportunity to participate, that is absolutely no problem. Similarly, if you can only do them in the evening, I would still love to see your photos, sometimes I pop them on the next morning!