From the Principal...

Mrs Alanna McRae

Thank You!

To all members of our School Community I would like to say thank you. 


Thank you to all our school leaders, teachers and support staff who pulled together to help our students and our families, and each other. Thank you for your willingness to change direction at almost a moment’s notice when we were forced into lockdown nearly 4 weeks ago. We pulled together to keep the wellbeing and learning of our students as our focus. 


To our teachers, your daily Zooms to students, discussions, videos, activities, phone calls and all of the other out-of-the-box ideas helped keep our students connected to school.


Thank you to our dedicated support staff who have been working behind the scene to help compile the take home packs and support the learning of students both at home and at school. This work could not have been done without you.


Almost every aspect of our professional lives has changed due to this pandemic, and I am grateful for the way we have responded when we have moved to remote learning, twice now in the last 2 years. No matter how we move forward in the next few weeks, under the precautions that are still so necessary due to this disease, we know that we will work together. 


I would also like to thank our students and families. The lockdown has added stress to all of us in every aspect of our daily lives. From an educational perspective, it took away the reassuring custom of a daily physical gathering at school and the comfort that came with that. Suddenly, in its place we had an isolated experience. Aside from the serious health concerns of COVID-19, this may have been the biggest challenge of all. I thank our students and families who have faced the changes with courage and resilience. I am grateful for that strength. 


Remember moving forward that we are all here to help and support each other... together we can get through this!


Happy Fathers Day!

I would like to wish all our fantastic fathers out there a wonderful Father's Day!


There is always a reason to celebrate Dads, however this particular weekend is the best day of them all—Father’s Day. Father’s Day is Sunday, September  5th, and it is a celebration and acknowledgment of the contributions fathers make to their families. 


Fathers play a critical role in the lives of their children. They offer guidance, wisdom, support and love throughout a child's life. There are many amazing dads making sacrifices every day to give their kids a good life. It’s those qualities and many more that make fathers the heroes of our hearts.  


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Fathers and Father figures for doing so much for your children and St Mary's throughout the year.  Thank you for bringing love, acceptance, and joy into your children's lives. To those who have lost dads and will be spending this Father's Day without them, my heart goes out to you and you are in my thoughts and prayers.  


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, 
and do not rely on your own insight. 
In all your ways acknowledge him, 
and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6