Religious Education

Mrs Dale Cain



The preparation and receipt of the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist have unfortunately been delayed due to the ongoing COVID-19 lock down  restrictions.  The parish office will provide further information  to families as the situation changes.




During this time of remote learning teachers will provide religious education activities for the students to complete.  It is important that families work together to support students to complete what they can.  Some students will be able to work independently and complete tasks with little to no support.  Others will need extra direction just to stay on task and engage.  Teachers are well aware of your struggles, we experience them every day in our classrooms.  If you find on any day that there is too big a struggle to get set religion tasks completed, take this as an opportunity to find time instead to pray as a family, to talk about God together and how He is with us at this time.  Please know the staff at St Mary's appreciate and understand your efforts at home.