Classroom News - Year 4

Mrs Ross and Mr Norrie


Hi, everyone! Who could have ever imagined the last few weeks! 

Our message this time is one of THANKS! Thank you so much to everyone for all that you have done to support your child during this confusing time. We appreciate all that you have done and understand that this time has been challenging on many levels. 


We have really enjoyed meeting with the children during our zooms. They all look happy, relaxed, and engaged. We are seeing some fantastic work being turned in and appreciate the efforts most of the children are going to, ensuring they do 'their best work and not their quickest'. 


Our overall message has been to "try, try, try" the chosen activities but not to stress if things don't go to plan. We have encouraged the children to email with any concerns and/or to attend the afternoon zoom meeting if they are confused by a task and need to ask some questions. 


Our Religion unit at the moment is about Creation and provides many opportunities for the children to relax and enjoy the beautiful sunshine. The focus is on identifying and acknowledging God's beautiful work and our responsibility to enjoy and look after it. Hopefully, these experiences are allowing the children to focus on the many wonderful things in our lives that we can be grateful for.