A Word from the Office

Facemasks onsite
Facemasks are required and and all visitors must QR code when onsite.
Onsite attendance
Applications for students to attend on site are available upon request from the main office.
Please email cranbourne.sc@education.vic.gov.au or collect a hard copy from the front office. Forms requesting on site attendance will need to be returned by 1pm on the day prior to attending.
The College remains highly committed to providing a learning environment on site for students who are: deemed vulnerable, and / or are part of the program for students with disability (PSD) and / or those students with parents / carers who are unable to provide supervision at home due to employment that is essential and that takes the parent out of the family home.
IT requirements
Students can obtain IT supports by contacting 7747-techs@schools.vic.edu.au
Access to lockers
Students who need to access their lockers can come onto site on any day during the remote and flexible period between 9am and 1pm. Access will be via the front office where standard contact tracing will be used.