Wellbeing Continued

It can be challenging to process and manage changes to routines and the uncertainty that comes with COVID-19 and related restrictions – including moving in and out of remote and flexible learning.


To support our school community during this time, resources and support are available for parents, carers and families. These resources will help to support the mental health and wellbeing of our students and the young people in our care during this time.


I encourage everyone in our community to access these resources and take care of themselves during this time.

Services and support for students and their families

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our students remains our priority this year, especially during the continued COVID-19 pandemic and while students are learning from home during the current circuit breaker restrictions. For students, the guide includes resources to support their own mental health and wellbeing.

The guide also includes resources and supports for parents and carers to help them build their child’s physical and mental health and wellbeing. 


This includes:

Headspace is running FREE webinars for parents and carers about offering support when they are concerned about a young person’s mental health.