Updated Year 12
VCE Information
By Tim Bray
Updated Year 12
VCE Information
By Tim Bray
This year like 2020 has been a challenging and testing year for all. Despite this it is pleasing to see the growth and dedication displayed by our current year 12 VCE student cohort.
We are closing in on the end of the 2021 academic school year and for most of you the end of your senior school journey. It is therefore essential that we maximize the time that we have left together in preparation for the VCAA External Examinations which commence in October/November.
The Department of Education and Training (DET) have made a significant announcement late last week regarding the assessment of student learning in relation to the calculation of the Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking (ATAR).
The announcement indicates that like in 2020 VCAA will reintroduce the Consideration of Educational Disadvantage for VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3-4 in recognition of the disruptions to learning caused by coronavirus (COVID-19) and the differing levels of impact at the school and individual student level.
This process will require schools to provide VCAA with information on all students and school circumstances to help calculate their study scores. To ensure the fairness of final results, the VCAA will consider all available information, including the GAT and appropriate comparisons of performance across all assessments and schools. Based on this analysis, disadvantage will be factored into students’ final scores, which will then contribute to the study score calculation and ultimately the students ATAR.
I would like to acknowledge the dedicated work by staff to support, motivate and inspire students during these challenging times. I also understand there will be some students who have been impacted, despite the mitigation strategies employed by our school and the best efforts of students and their families.
Members of our leadership team will be reaching out to all of our VCE students over the next couple of weeks over Microsoft Teams to offer additional guidance and support.
During S.T.E.P classes over the next 4 weeks our VCE students will also engage in some online workshops and hear from guest presenters on the following topics:
Please also remember that our College’s Wellbeing Team are active and available during these testing times. Students are encouraged to reach out directly or contact their Year Level Engagement Coordinator.
VCAA and College assessment processes remain in place with adjustments in light of the remote setting. These changes have been shared with students in an assembly on Friday 27th August. A further update with specific information regarding the VCAA Eternal Examinations will sent out in the last week of this term to ensure all students, parents and families are kept informed.
If you have any questions, queries or concerns, about your son or daughters senior school program in 2021, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our leadership staff here at the college to discuss further.
Key Senior School Dates: