Year 10 Studio Arts

Urban Art Online

Our Year 10 students have been continuing their inquiry into Urban Art using a range of platforms and techniques.  As we move in and out of learning from home and on-site, they have completed tasks designed to bring the best of both worlds. The results can be seen here:


Activity One (online artwork)  Create your own graffiti artwork using the online tools here: 

Artist: Alyssa Mart used Procreate on an iPad to create the (main) image, and below is a work by Kyla Culhane.


Activity Two (household items artwork) Watch the video on stencilling - Create your own artwork using materials from around your house - paper, paint, crayons, cardboard, sponges etc.

Activity 3 Part One - Phone Camera

On your daily walk, find examples of the following and take a picture of as many as you can find. Tags, graffiti, murals, public art. Signs - street signs, advertising, street names, road signs, roadwork signs. 

Belinda Pringle

Year 10 Art