Principal's News

Mrs McVilly
Mrs McVilly

Dear Parents / Carers,

Thanks to all families for entering into the spirit of Book Week last Wednesday.  Mostly a virtual event and with a myriad of characters and much learning and fun had by all.  We are very fortunate to have such an enthusiastic librarian in Mrs McVilly, the ‘Viking shield maiden’ of the day, whose encouragement and promotion led to the day, while different from other years, being a great success. 

Thanks also to the Year 6 classes, whose readings of the shortlisted books provided a great way of sharing these stories remotely, and to all of the teachers and learning support officers for their pooling of resources and ideas and eager participation on the day.


Preps having a great time during our Google meet this morning for our Book Week dress up today!” …….. Ms Angela



We greatly appreciate the extra you are doing in helping your child/ren with their remote learning, knowing that you will be juggling your own work and family duties as well.  As in earlier remote learning times, if your child is unwell or at an appointment, we ask that you please let the office know so as we can mark the attendance appropriately and keep their class teacher informed.

As yet we are still to hear whether or not we will definitely return to onsite learning this Friday 3rd September as initially expected.  There will be further correspondence when an announcement is made.  

In the meantime, wishing all the fathers, grandfathers and special persons in families the very best for Father’s Day this coming Sunday.  We hope you have a lovely weekend.  

Stay safe.