Climate Canons

There's more than 10c in your container

Every time your container is tossed – what’s really lost? 


Not just 10c… but the potential for change. The potential for your container to see better days. 


The potential for Western Australian renegades to win the fight against landfill, once and for all.  

Together, we’ve saved more than 635 million containers from landfill since October, 2020 – and we have no intention of slowing down.

Plus, your commitment to return 10c containers – from your folks, from your friends, for your school and your neighbours – doesn’t just help us beat landfill.  

Western Australian trailblazers have already raised more than $2.3 million for charities and community groups… in just 10 months.

So, St Norbert College ... are you with us? We can beat it – if we don’t feed it.  

Don’t feed the fill. 


Sea Shepherd Planning Session 


On Wednesday 25 August the Climate Canons were privileged to meet the Director of Sea Shepherd Australia, Mr Jeff Hansen. During our planning session, the students had the opportunity to hear about Mr Hansen’s extensive work on protecting our oceans, working to stop oil drilling in the Great Australian Bight and beach clean up campaigns. He was awe inspiring in his tales of chasing illegal fishing vessels and engaging in his passion to protect “spaceship Earth”. We discussed ways the Climate Canons are meeting and continuing to work on our mission statement, how we can further engage the College Community, and future plans for sustainable actions at the College. The Climate Canons are extremely grateful to Mr Hansen for giving up his time to encourage, inspire and motivate us and we look forward to continuing our work with Sea Shepherd Australia in the future.  



Miss D Pisconeri

(Humanities and Social Sciences Teacher (Geography)

Science Teacher)