At St Joseph’s College, leadership is an important part of student learning.  Those of us fortunate to work at the college are regularly impressed by the quality of students who have been chosen as leaders. 


With this in mind I would like to commend and affirm all the students who applied for the roles that I am about to announce. You have shown courage and strength; we thank you for the privilege of meeting and talking with you. 


For 2021…

We are pleased to announce Lilly Phillips and Ned Torpey as the College Captains.

I would also like to congratulate Elly Pantazopoulos and Kevin Simmons on their appointment as the College Vice Captains.


These fine young men and women understand that to be a leader one should create positive and substantial change in small, every day ways.  In 2021, they will have the opportunity to prove that the concept of true leadership is inspired by integrity of heart and faith and accountable, responsible stewardship.


Congratulations and well done Lilly and Ned, Elly and Kevin, we are very proud of you. Thank you to all those who have assisted and inspired you on your journey to this point in time. 


College Captain Lilly Phillips 

Homeroom: HCH01B, House: Chisholm

Homeroom Teacher: Mrs Jo Fraser

‘I want to continue in the practice of community and hospitality and carry on the tradition of welcoming others to the college and provide them with a sense of belonging.  It’s about representing each and every one of you, giving you a voice and ensuring our school is a safe and nurturing environment for everyone.’


College Captain Ned Torpey 

Homeroom: HKP01C, House: MacKillop

Homeroom Teacher: Mrs Rebecca Tam

‘Having strong leaders in our community is an important part of ensuring that our college remains successful.  I am always willing to listen to what you have to say and will be a positive voice for the student body.’


College Vice Captain Elly Pantazopoulos 

Homeroom: HMC01A, House: McAuley

Homeroom Teacher: Mr Sam Chisari

‘(This role) means being a good leader and representative of the college, respecting my peers, being trustworthy and having pride in our college community.  It is to represent everyone’s voice and vision.’


College Vice Captain Kevin Simmons 

Homeroom: HPA01F, House: Padua

Homeroom Teacher:  Mr Haydn Collins and Dr Tony Finn

‘I will dedicate myself to serving our college, communicate with fellow students, be a voice for their thoughts and visions and be an active member of our college community.’ 



Mrs Marg Blythman
