Facilities Updates 

We have had some exciting Facilities developments  over the past 2 weeks. 

New Fence:  Cranbourne South General Store

Last week a new fence was erected between the school and the General store.  This fence is part of their capital works project and was completed last weekend.  This fence provides a great barrier between the school and the store, increasing safety as we can no longer view the movements of the public through the fence.  Our school grounds are looking exceptionally beautiful and the addition of this fence has greatly enhanced our boundary fence. 

Removal of the old MP room

Tuesday was an extremely busy and exciting day for all staff and students. Staff and students watched with anticipation as the old MP room was craned out in 5 sections.  Many classes came out to watch with lots of talking, writing and drawing about this process.  Many staff reflected on the numerous concert practices, in school activities, PMP sessions and  before and after school care programs that were held in this room.  Many years ago this space had been a temporary classroom.  If only those walls could talk - I would imagine there are lots of interesting stories that could be shared.  Removal of this building marks the first step towards the building process.  The school is working very hard with the Architects and Project Control Group (PCG) team to implement the next phase of Capital works. 


We would like to share with you the following article published by our student reporter

 Bodhi M. 2b


Yesterday was the day the old Multi Purpose Room got lifted on a truck and drove away. A crane arrived at school at 10:00am. The crane took about an hour to set up. Mr Corcoran told me that the crane was 250-tonne crane. It means it could pick up every student and teacher in the school!

A worker used a remote control to put the supports down so the truck was stable. But when they were moving the last bit they realised that the weight was the wrong weight. They had to go and get the right weight to move the last part.