Principal News

On Monday 12th October, we excitedly welcomed all staff and students back to on site learning.  The buzz in the air was electric with squeals of glee with a 'bubble guard of honor' around the school.  

Your child would have received two gifts upon their return; bubbles and a certificate to commemorate this incredible moment in their education. 

To add colour and pizzazz, the students have been adding a decorated spoon to the CSPS Spoonville in the garden outside the Gallery. More artistic additions are always welcome.

Congratulations to the families and parents for their incredible patience and resilience during Remote Learning - we will never forget 2020!

It has been so wonderful to see the children's faces, hear the laughter and enjoy each others company in 3D.  

Bring on Term 4!  

Monique Corcoran and Sally Herbert

How can I help my child transition back to on-site learning?

Transitioning back to school in the COVID-19 era can present many challenges for parents and children. 

  1. Reassure your child that it is safe to go to school. Many parents had conversations with their children about the importance of learning from home to keep them healthy and safe. Some children may now worry about the safety of returning to school. To help your child feel safe, have a conversation with them explaining that  the decision to return to school is based on medical advice.
  2. Re-establish normal routines Return children to their usual wake up and bedtime routines. • Involve your child in packing their bag and preparing their uniform. •  Allow more time than usual to get ready in the mornings.
  3. Communicate with your child's classroom teacher if you have any concerns via email.
  4. When they come home from school, take the time to talk about their day, for example:  “What did you like about today?”  “What was it like seeing your friends again?”  “What did you learn?” “Is anything worrying you?”

Find other tips in the following articles:


The students have returned to school with lots of smiles and laughter.  But, there have been a few reports of students being unkind to others relating to their new:

  • body shape (maybe due to not being as active and indoors)
  • length of skirts/shorts/pants (due to a growth spurt)
  • style or colour of hair (that is growing out and/or will be cut at the next hairdresser visit)

Could families please use the following poster as a talking point to make sure we all are kind to each other during this transition back to COVID normal.










We have had some incidences of students using Uber for pick up at Kiss and Go.  The rules of Uber is that the driver must ensure the rider is 18 years or older.  Account holders cannot request a ride for someone under the age of 18 who will not be accompanied by either the account holder or another adult during the ride.  If an Uber driver at pickup notices that the user looks under 18, they can decline the trip and report to Uber. 


Child Safe Standard 6:  Strategies to Identify and Reduce or Remove Risks of Child Abuse

With the removal of our old Multi-purpose room this week, followed by the exciting commencement of the building phase of our Capital works project, it is timely to remind our families of the Child Safe strategies and procedures in place for tradespersons onsite.


Child Safe Standards: Tradespersons

In accordance with DET guidelines, CSPS implement risk management assessments and strategies to ensure the safety of all students, staff, families and visitors,  including:

  • allocation of a Project Manager on all projects
  • induction of all tradespersons
  • signing in and out procedures
  • provision of additional bathroom facilities
  • clear line of communication with the Principal class and Facilities Officer at all  times throughout the project.

Baggins is a superstar