Parents and Friends

Welcome to 2019!

We hope you are as excited as we are about the year ahead! As you would have read in our first email of the year, OLA's P&F Committee have committed to paying for the new smart screen TVs that are being installed in all classrooms this term. These interactive TVs allow staff to use the latest technology to assist in teaching our kids. Some of the money for these TVs was raised last year, with the remainder to be fundraised in 2019 by the P&F (that's you guys!).


Kicking us off in 2019 will be the incredibly popular Family Fun Night on Friday 22 February (Week 3). This event brings the whole community together and this year there'll be so much for the kids to do they won't know where to start! Of course, the event can't happen without parent help, so please put your hand up to help out for 30 minutes on the night.

We need people for the following jobs:

- Front gate security

- Raffle ticket sellers

- Fairy floss sellers

- Glitter and temporary tattoo appliers


Simply email and let us know the time and role that suits you best. 

Oz Labels – 25% commission goes to OLA!

If you need to restock your labels, please consider purchasing them through Oz Labels, using the OLA fundraising code FRS1455. When you make an order, an impressive 25% of the value is donated back to OLA’s P&F. To make an order simply:

Contact Us

If you have anything you would like to discuss with the P&F you can contact us at