General News 

Administration News and Weekly Awards


With the warmer weather upon us, students are now able to wear either Full Summer Uniform or Full Winter Uniform to school.  They are not allowed to wear a combination of both.


Father's Day Stall

This year's Fathers Day Stall was a huge success with students not only taking home the gifts they purchased but also a bonus gift to help dads enjoy their special day even more. 


School Supplies

We have come to that time of the year when student's are needing basic supplies of pens, pencils, erasers etc to be renewed. The school supplies these at the beginning of the year and it is then up to parents and carers to make sure they have these items available to them as the year progresses.  Please renew your child's pencil case supplies as soon as possible. 


School Fees

A gentle reminder in these difficult times, that all fees are due by this Friday the 11th of September, 2020.  


Visitor reminder

Students collected early need to be signed out using the kiosk  and we will collect them from the classrooms for you.  Drop off and pickup parents/carers need to stay outside the gate. Teachers will formally dismiss the students in the afternoon.



Compass needs to be used to explain all absences for your children, within 7 days of the absence. After this time they automatically roll over into the 'unexplained' category and can not be changed. 


Stage 1 Awards  

Cynthia Chen - hard work breaking up words to read sentences. 

Hendrix O’Loughlin - perseverance in his Big Write and trying to make better language choices to make his writing more engaging.

Cynthia and Hendrix
Cynthia and Hendrix

Stage 2 Awards

Mackayla Trembath - fantastic work with division this week.

Brandan Thompson - for bringing positivity and a cheerful attitude to our classroom each day.

Brandan and Mackayla
Brandan and Mackayla

Stage 3 Awards

Matthew Bratley - exceptional effort in Mathematics this week while working on length. 

Isaiah Keys - determination and consistent effort in all aspects of his school this week. 

Bethany Pain - great effort and commitment to her learning in Religion.  Well done on your great results in your Unit 5.5 Post Assessment! 

Hayley Hall - bringing positivity and a cheerful attitude to our classroom each day

Bethany, Hayley and Matthew. Absent: Isaiah
Bethany, Hayley and Matthew. Absent: Isaiah










Leaders Awards

Miss Hamparsum - Prac Teacher
Miss Hamparsum - Prac Teacher
Miss Murtagh - Prac Teacher
Miss Murtagh - Prac Teacher

Administration Award:  Blake Cook - Instigating meaningful conversations with Administration Staff.